Saturday, August 30, 2008

rEaD nEwSpApEr~~

I just read a newspaper and notice that there are quite a number of advertisment that uses implicit conclusion and implicit premises.For example a funiture shop,Europe Asia Funiture & Lighting have an advertisment in New Striats Times.
It written that it's having Hari Raya sale,discounts up to 80%,exclusive classical funiture,lighting and accessories imported from Europe.It also contain this two sentence''Be the first to discover the latest arrivals,unbelievable prices on stylish imported sets''.
The implicit conclusion that I find out is "you can't get a better price with this quality of imported funiture and lighting out there''. The implicit premises is '' We have discount up to 80%'' and '' good quality of stylish funiture and lighting''.

aCcEsS KnOwLeDgE~

I went to my cousin- vivian's house this evening and she wants to have a look at my university next tuesday because her friends daughter plan to send her daughter to university end of the year. So she's bringing her friend to have a look at MMU next tuesday. She don't know the way to MMU but my father told her that he has a map to Cyberjaya,she can follow the way to Cyberjaya and follow the direction board there to MMU.

My dad asked her''Vivian,I have a map to Cyberjaya. Can you drive to Cyberjaya using this map?'' In Critical Thinking we classify knowledge based on how accessible it is and my cousin have to access this through explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is usually readily accessible and well organized.

After dinner,me and my cousin room were looking at her photo album. She show me a group photo and asked ''Can you recognize me in this group photo?'' Well,I have to access it through tacit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is usually stored within the mind and only access indirectly and usually with difficulty. It's a knowledge that elication techniques or behavioural observation required.

I remember my dad asked me last week'' Do you know how to walk from your hostel to your classroom?'' Well,this is a funny question! Of course I know how to walk from my hostel to my classroom! I did that everyday at MMU! This is an example of implicit knowledge. It's usually stored within the mind or organisational culture. It access through querying and discussion.