Thursday, September 4, 2008


This afternoon, my course mate told me that Mr Nicky told her class that the blog assignment that we’re doing have to be as short as the skirt but long enough to cover the content. Mr Nicky uses simile in his sentence ‘’as short as the skirt’’. A simile is a special form of comparison where you compare the current subject, object or action to some other idea that creates an image.

Sometimes,we may describe something by using simile. For example Yuen See told me that she saw a cute little boy,she said ''Gosh that little boy is as cute as a big fat teddy bear!'' I can really imagine that the little boy that she say is really really cute!


I had just finished my management midterm exam yesterday and my mom call up and ask about my exam. Her first question ‘’ Are everything all right?’’. I answered her ’’ Yes, the exam was ok, it’s not that tough like what I think. My sister was beside my mother, she shout and asked’’ Won’t you feel scared when you’re thinking about how tough is the exam paper before you enter the exam hall?’’

I answered my sister’’ Yea, it’s quite scary. But thanks god, everything was all right. I told my roommate about my conversation with my mom and sister. My roommate said’’ Hey, do you realize that your sister is using a leading question? Well is a leading question or a rhetorical question? ’’ I think about it for a moment and answered’’ Yes, she’s using a leading question, it’s not a rhetorical question! It’s cool that, I didn’t even notice about it!’’

My sister was using a leading question. A leading question is a question that is worded in a way that will ‘’guide’’ the person being questioned in making his/her response.