Thursday, August 28, 2008

ReaLize~~PeOpLe uSiNg FaLLaciEs

My sister call me up at about 12.48pm today,she wants me to accompany her to shopping because she wants to buy her boyfriend birthday present.
She keep begging me to accompany her and said that she had flue few days ago and she busy preparing for her school exam and SPM and nobody wants to go shopping with her because everybody busy preparing for SPM.

Well,after a moment I just realize that she're using one of the material fallacy,she's using ad populum appeal to pity! I'm not suppose to be persuade by her just like that but I'll feel bad if I don't accompany her because she's my sister.

Therefore,I promise her that I'll pick her up at around 7pm at her tuition centre and go shop at one utama.Before we end our conversation and hang up the call,she use another ad populum fallacy again!She said"hey sis,you're the best and prettiest sister in the world!I'm so glad to have a wonderful sister like you!Love you and see you later" Well,she used ad populum appeal to vanity (apple polishing)!

I just realize there are really a lot of people using fallacies everyday,even myself will use fallacy without realizing it. And my lovely sister used two fallacies in a 10minute phone conversation! Well,I have to avoid using fallacies because it's really not persuasive and doesn't give any reason for people to believe me when I'm trying to persuade them.

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