Wednesday, September 3, 2008

pRettY girL~

This morning, me, Pui Yee, Yuen See and Pei Jun had our breakfast together at the FCM cafe in our University. We saw a tall girl, she look very pretty and slim. I told them I wish I’m as tall as that pretty girl while Yuen See told us she wish she’s as slim as that pretty girl.

We were talking about that girl while eating our breakfast. Pei Jun suddenly said ‘’ Well, don’t be jealous of her. Haha, suddenly thought of something about Critical Thinking. Listen girls, I’ll make an argument that’s a categorical syllogism. Some pretty girls are tall. All tall girls are slim. So, some pretty girls are slim.’’

‘’WoW! That’s so cool!’’ said Pui Yee. Pei Jun really concentrate in Critical Thinking class. That a common pattern of deductive reasoning. It’s one of the hypothetical syllogism, categorical syllogism and it’s a valid argument. Categorical syllogism are declarative sentences that propose a relationship between two things or types of things.

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