Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CoNveRsAtiOn wItH fRiEnDs

This afternoon Pei Jun knock on my hostel door and asked ''Hey Ann Nee,hey Pui Yee!! You guys wanna attach your own pic to the blog? It'll be nice !''
Pui Yee answerd '' Well,me and Ann Nee always do things and share things together. If Ann Nee upload her pic in the blog, then I'll upload mine too. She didn't upload her pic, therefore I won't upload mine too.''I smile when she answered in such a cute way and without realizing it she used one of the common pattern of deductive reasoning! It's one of the invalid argument in the hypothetical syllogism,because the conclusion follows probably from the premises. And this pattern of argument is always fallacious(always weak).
I told Pui Yee''Hey girl,you've used one of the common pattern of deductive reasoning,hypothetical syllogism,the one that denying the antecedent. Too bad it's an invalid argument but it's still cool cause you answer it in the same way like our Critical Thinking lecture notes ! Lecture notes gave us this example for denying the antecedent,If A,then B. Not A,therefore B. ''

''Haha,I did? Too bad it's an invalid one''said Pui Yee. Pei Jun look at me and Pui Yee with a funny look and said'' You both seems to be so syok sendiri with your Critical Thinking knowledge and didn't even answer the question that I've asked just now! Come on girls, lets upload those pic that we capture together inside my hostel room last week. ''
''Yuck!! Why should we upload those lame pic?'' said me and Pui Yee with our eyes widen.

Pei Jun laugh at our reaction and answered''Why not?''

Well,she's using burden of proof fallacy and this fallacy occurs when someone is making a claim that is hard to support and shift responsibility to the other person in the argument, that's what Pei Jun had just did.

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