Thursday, September 4, 2008


This afternoon, my course mate told me that Mr Nicky told her class that the blog assignment that we’re doing have to be as short as the skirt but long enough to cover the content. Mr Nicky uses simile in his sentence ‘’as short as the skirt’’. A simile is a special form of comparison where you compare the current subject, object or action to some other idea that creates an image.

Sometimes,we may describe something by using simile. For example Yuen See told me that she saw a cute little boy,she said ''Gosh that little boy is as cute as a big fat teddy bear!'' I can really imagine that the little boy that she say is really really cute!


I had just finished my management midterm exam yesterday and my mom call up and ask about my exam. Her first question ‘’ Are everything all right?’’. I answered her ’’ Yes, the exam was ok, it’s not that tough like what I think. My sister was beside my mother, she shout and asked’’ Won’t you feel scared when you’re thinking about how tough is the exam paper before you enter the exam hall?’’

I answered my sister’’ Yea, it’s quite scary. But thanks god, everything was all right. I told my roommate about my conversation with my mom and sister. My roommate said’’ Hey, do you realize that your sister is using a leading question? Well is a leading question or a rhetorical question? ’’ I think about it for a moment and answered’’ Yes, she’s using a leading question, it’s not a rhetorical question! It’s cool that, I didn’t even notice about it!’’

My sister was using a leading question. A leading question is a question that is worded in a way that will ‘’guide’’ the person being questioned in making his/her response.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

MiNd MaP

Mr Nicky taught us about mind mapping on Tuesday morning and above is what he jot down on the white board. He told us there are about ten pages in the lecture notes for this topic but he’ll shorten it into for point. Mind map is a system of ‘’non linear’’ notation. The founder of mind map is Tony Buzan, and the elements of mind map consist of four things “WISC’’-word, image, symbol and colours. One key word per idea.

This is my mind mapping for management, the planning part. I did this when I do revision for management quiz. It really help me a lot because I can easily find the point but the problem is that the colour that I use not attractive enough.

pRettY girL~

This morning, me, Pui Yee, Yuen See and Pei Jun had our breakfast together at the FCM cafe in our University. We saw a tall girl, she look very pretty and slim. I told them I wish I’m as tall as that pretty girl while Yuen See told us she wish she’s as slim as that pretty girl.

We were talking about that girl while eating our breakfast. Pei Jun suddenly said ‘’ Well, don’t be jealous of her. Haha, suddenly thought of something about Critical Thinking. Listen girls, I’ll make an argument that’s a categorical syllogism. Some pretty girls are tall. All tall girls are slim. So, some pretty girls are slim.’’

‘’WoW! That’s so cool!’’ said Pui Yee. Pei Jun really concentrate in Critical Thinking class. That a common pattern of deductive reasoning. It’s one of the hypothetical syllogism, categorical syllogism and it’s a valid argument. Categorical syllogism are declarative sentences that propose a relationship between two things or types of things.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

CoNveRsAtiOn wItH fRiEnDs

This afternoon Pei Jun knock on my hostel door and asked ''Hey Ann Nee,hey Pui Yee!! You guys wanna attach your own pic to the blog? It'll be nice !''
Pui Yee answerd '' Well,me and Ann Nee always do things and share things together. If Ann Nee upload her pic in the blog, then I'll upload mine too. She didn't upload her pic, therefore I won't upload mine too.''I smile when she answered in such a cute way and without realizing it she used one of the common pattern of deductive reasoning! It's one of the invalid argument in the hypothetical syllogism,because the conclusion follows probably from the premises. And this pattern of argument is always fallacious(always weak).
I told Pui Yee''Hey girl,you've used one of the common pattern of deductive reasoning,hypothetical syllogism,the one that denying the antecedent. Too bad it's an invalid argument but it's still cool cause you answer it in the same way like our Critical Thinking lecture notes ! Lecture notes gave us this example for denying the antecedent,If A,then B. Not A,therefore B. ''

''Haha,I did? Too bad it's an invalid one''said Pui Yee. Pei Jun look at me and Pui Yee with a funny look and said'' You both seems to be so syok sendiri with your Critical Thinking knowledge and didn't even answer the question that I've asked just now! Come on girls, lets upload those pic that we capture together inside my hostel room last week. ''
''Yuck!! Why should we upload those lame pic?'' said me and Pui Yee with our eyes widen.

Pei Jun laugh at our reaction and answered''Why not?''

Well,she's using burden of proof fallacy and this fallacy occurs when someone is making a claim that is hard to support and shift responsibility to the other person in the argument, that's what Pei Jun had just did.

Monday, September 1, 2008

sIcK oF eXaM~~

I’ve been doing revision for my Management exam after hanging out with my friend for the whole morning and afternoon. I’m really bored of reading those notes. I told my mom’’ Mummy! I’m sick of reading all this! I hate University life! It’s always about exam and assignment! It’s not that fun like what you guys say!’’.

My dad heard what I say and he said this to me’’ If you really put effort in your study, then you’ll get a flying colours result.’’ Well, I did put effort on my study, is just that sometimes I feel sick of it.

From the sentence that my dad had just used, it express more than one idea. The sentence ‘’ If you really put effort on your study, then you’ll get a flying colours result’’. A statement that express more than one idea is a compound claims. There are three types of compound claims, disjunctive claims, conjunctive claims and conditional claims.

My dad’s statement is a conditional claims. Conditional claims is a claim that used the word ‘’If ... then...’’, there are antecedent and consequent in a conditional claims. ‘’If you really put effort in your study, then you’ll get a flying colours result.’’ The sentence after ‘IF’’ is called an antecedent and sentence after ‘THEN’ is called a consequent.

Re-wRiTe tHe eNdiNg oF tHe sToRy

I watch a movie''The Stranger'' with my friends,Yew Thung and.The story is about a couple,kristen and James,they been murdered by three stranger(a man and two girls)that wore a white mask.Starting of the story really frighten me when there's a girl who knock on the door at 4am in the morning with a haunting voice. Horrible things start to happen,and everything had collapsed for the happy couple.The couple asked the mask stranger why are they killing them but the mask stranger didn't answer and just stab on the couple stomach with a sharp knife. In the end,the couple die inside the house and the three mask murderer drive away that town.The mask murderer take out their mask when they stab on the couple stomach but the audions didn't get to see the murderer face because it didn't show us. I don't like the ending of the story because it didn't tell us reason the mask murderer kill the couple and they didn't even show their face to us.They just leave the town after killing the couple and the story just ended like that. Therefore me and my friend decide to rewrite the ending of the story and we'll see who wrote the best ending.Re-writing the ending of a story is one of the writing activities to stimulate creative thinking. I've wrote a happy ending for the couple,kristen and James.They tend to escape from the mask murderer and they did it! When the three mask stranger want to stab on the couple James found a gun inside a cupboard and he shoot one of the girl murderer. James then run away with Kristen when the other two mask murderer hugging the injured girl murderer. The couple James and Kristen run away and leave the town,they start their new life in another town but a few years later the mask murderer appear in the town that the couple living. They are back for revenge! And that's the end of the story and the director of ''The Stranger'' Bryan Bertino can come out with ''The stranger 2'' to continue with the story and earn more money through it.

While my friend Yew Thung come out with a funny ending that the three mask murderer didn't kill the couple. They are the couple friends and they're trying to fool around by frightening them because it's April Fool! That's a creative ending that the audions wouldn't know until the end of the story.